Now write an application to your Principal for a seat in your college hostel.
Suppose you are a student of class XII in Dhaka College, Recently your father has been transferred to Chittagong. But you want to continue your study up to your H.S.C. examination at Dhaka College.
17 December 2020
The Principal
Dhaka College.
Subject: Prayer for a seat in the college hostel.
with due respect, I beg to state that I am a student of class xii in your college. My father is a government employee. Recently he has been transferred from Dhaka to Chittagong. Our family has already shifted there. I have been suffering much from want of accommodation. For this reason, my studies are greatly hampered. Besides, I have no relations in the city. So I am badly in need of a seat in the college hostel.
in circumstances stated above, I pray and hope that your honor would be kind enough to allow me a seat in the college hostel and oblige thereby.
yours obediently
Md. Emran Hossain
Class- XII
Roll No. 01