Now write a paragraph on Our National Flag

Now write a paragraph on Our National Flag.

A national flag is the symbol of a country. But our national flag is the symbols of our independence and the glorious patriotism. About 3 million patriotic sacrificed their lives to make the national flag. It is rectangular in shape. There is a red circle in the middle of the green. The ratio of the length and width of the flag is 10:6. Late artist Kamrul Hasan designed it. It is hoisted on different national occasions. It was first hoisted on the premises of the University of Dhaka on the 2nd March 1971. The design of that flag was a little bit different. Then the map of Bangladesh was in the middle of green color. Our national flag is our identity. It encourages us to be united to keep up the honor of our country. Later the map of Bangladesh was omitted from the national flag. Our national flag is the symbol of our sovereignty. We gained this flag by the martyrdom of 30 lakh people. In fact, it is made with a piece of cloth but made of blood. We can uphold its honor by doing our national duties properly.

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