A letter about how you celebrated independence day

A letter about how you celebrated independence day

Write a letter to your friend telling him about your celebration of the Independence day.

                                                                                                                House No 2
                                                                                                                Lalbag, Dhaka-1100
                                                                                                                12 July 2020

Dear  Masud,

  Now write a paragraph on Friendship

At first take my adoration. I got your letter yesterday. I am very glad to receive your letter. In the letter, you wanted to know about the celebration of the upcoming  Independence Day. Let me write about it. You know that Independence Day is a red-letter day in the history of our liberation war. Bangladesh gained independence on this day in 1971. The heroic sons of this land fought fiercely to achieve this independence. Today we are living independently on this land with peace and admits for their supreme sacrifice. We celebrated the day, this year on our college campus with festivity. Our college campus was decorated nicely on the occasion of Independence Day. The historic speech of the nation’s father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was played at the beginning of the celebration. The president and big guns attended the program. The students showed display and saluted the guests. The president and big guns attended the program. The students showed display and saluted the guests. The president delivered a valuable speech about the history of Independence Day. The principal reminded the historical struggle of our freedom fighters in his short speech. A charming cultural program on patriotic songs was held at the end of the program. The day was very significant to bear in mind. If you attended the celebration, you would be happy.

  Now write a Paragraph on Tree Plantation

No more today. With best regards to your parents and convey love to the youngers. Take care with love.


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