Now write a Paragraph on Dowry System Or The Curse Of Dowry

Now write a Paragraph on Dowry System Or The Curse Of Dowry

The dowry system is the most hateful system prevalent in our country. It means giving wedding gifts to the bridegroom. The Dowry system originated n the feeling of inferiority for womenfolk. We find that wives are often tortured by their husbands. We often read n newspapers that, newly married girls are tortured in all possible ways. So, it is regarded as a social evil and has become a pressing problem to be solved. To eradicate this social evil, one cannot remain satisfied with mere laws and by-laws or enactment of some rules. Total change in the outlook of society is the crying need at this moment. It is a social evil and we are to tackle it socially. Society must be free from this idea of disparity and false feudal values which do not recognize woman as the equal partner of man. Social and public boycotts are two of the main weapons that may be used. Additionally, strong legal measures should be taken against the erring parents who are indulging in this practice. Battels should be fought fiercely. Young men and women must come forward to put an end to this disgraceful system, In fact, the dowry system is a curse for a nation.

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