Now write a paragraph on A Primary School

paragraph on A Primary School
paragraph on A Primary School

Now write a paragraph on A Primary School.

A primary school is the first step of an institution that gives basic education to the children of the village. It is called the birthplace of education for children. A village primary school is a lower grade school for rural children. There is not a primary school in every village. So, it gives basic education to children of a few villages. But nowadays the condition of a primary school is not good at all. It is generally housed in a tin shed. It has very little and poor furniture. There are four or five classrooms and a teachers’ common room in a school. The classes usually begin at 10.00 am and end at 3.00 pm. In a primary school, quite a large number of students are huddled together. The students do not get opportunities for playing and recreation. The number of teachers is not sufficient. The teachers come and go at their sweet will. Nowadays the condition of the village primary schools has improved much. Buildings are found in these schools. other modern facilities are provided too. The relationship between the teachers and the students is very good. A primary school is like a candle. It removes the darkness of ignorance and spreads out the light of literacy. Really, a primary school is very helpful for the educational development of our country. We have to evaluate it properly for the benefits of education in our country.

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