Now write a paragraph on An Evening Walk by a Riverside

Now write a paragraph on An Evening Walk by a Riverside.

Walking in the morning and evening is a good exercise. Walking in the evening by a river both a physical exercise and a source of pleasure. One may get much pleasure to see the river, the rays of the setting sun. The little waves of the river fill the mind with much delight. The beauty of the western sky and of the following river charms the eyes. He is also pleased to see the boats of different sizes playing up and down. In the evening fishermen catch fish. Flocks of gulls fly about in search of prey. Birds return to their nests. The light of the setting sun gradually becomes gloomy. When dusk sets in, stars make their appearance, one by one. By enjoying this scenery the mind becomes full of cheer and freshness. By then one makes for a home with a mind full of cheer and freshness. Thus an evening walk can be made pleasant by enjoying the sights and scenes of nature.

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