Write a Report on Abuses of Mobile Phone.
Syful, Staff reporter, Chittagong; 28 March 2018: The mobile phone is one of the latest editions of modern communication technology. Though it contributes much to the promotion of social and relationship, it has become a hazard for the young generation across the country. The young boys particular always keep themselves engaged in the use of mobile phones setting their studies and other necessary works aside. They upload obscene and objectionable photos and comments by using Facebook and other social networks. They are found to pass hours after hours using a mobile phone. As a result, most of them can hardly cut a good figure in the examination. It has become a disastrous as drug addiction which needs to be redressed immediately. Scientist commented that it causes brain tumors by the invisible and uncontrolled radio-activity of mobile phone. Especially pregnant women and children should not use it at all. However, we should make good use of it.