Write a Report on Eve Teasing

Write a Report on Eve-teasing in Rangpur City. Syful, Staff reporter, Chittagong; 28 March 2018: In the Rangpur city, Eve-teasing is a regular occurrence. It usually happens in school gates, college gates, buses, shopping centers, bars, Rangpur halls, taxi/bus terminals, railway stations, cafes, or any other imaginable places. The streets of Rangpur city are the main … Read more

Now write a report for the press on the seminar Water Logging in Dhaka City

report on waterlogging in Dhaka city Now write a report for the press on the seminar Water Logging in Dhaka City. Tanvir Ahmed, Staff correspondence, Dhaka; 25 September 2019: Water logging is a very common problem in various parts of Dhaka City during the rainy season. Now it is rainy season. So, water logging is very … Read more

Now write a paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Facebook

paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Facebook

Now write a paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Facebook. Nowadays Facebook is one of the important free social networking websites. It is the largest and most popular networking website. It is an internet-based network. It can connect people across the world. Anyone who has an internet connection may have access to it. Its main function … Read more

Now write a paragraph on Session Jam

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Now write a paragraph on Session Jam. Session jam is a great problem in our higher educational institutions. Our colleges and universities are infested with this all-grasping session jam. Our educational institutions cannot finish the syllabuses in time. Student politics is mainly responsible for this. Our students take part in active politics they become the … Read more

Write a Report on Bad Impact of Facebook

Write a Report on The Bad Impact of Facebook on Young Generation. Syful, Staff reporter, Chittagong; 28 March 2018: Facebook though contributes much to the promotion of the social and friendly relationship between people living far and wide, has become a hazard for the young generation across the country. The young boys in particular always keep … Read more