Now write a paragraph on Self Employment

Now write a paragraph on Self Employment.

It is known to us that Self-employment means creating job opportunities for oneself by one’s own effort. Self-employment plays an important role in alleviating one’s poverty. Self-employment is very necessary to solve the great problem of unemployment. In Bangladesh around 30% of able people are unemployed. It is quite impossible alone for the government to provide all the able people with jobs. So people can go back to the villages and engage themselves in self-employment. The government and different NGO’s are trying to create a congenial atmosphere for self-employment. There are many opportunities for self-employment in Bangladesh. Livestock rearing, agricultural farming, poultry raising, and fish cultivation are some of the sectors of self-employment. Facilities for training in different trades and vocations are now available. People can train themselves in one or other of these jobs. The government provides loans and helps to start an independent earning activity. People can set up a dairy farm, poultry farm, weaving factory, fish cultivation, etc. we should always remember that it is more honorable to be self-employed than to be independent on others. We have to be careful about this important matter.

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